It was Kantara (Hindi) all over again over the weekend gone by as Rs. 10 crores* more came in. This has been the best weekend for the dubbed Kannada film ever since its release and to think of it, the film is in its fourth week. This pretty much sets the stage for the fourth week to be better than the third week, and that has been the trend for the Rishab Shetty film ever since its release where the company consecutive week is better than the week before. The film has now reached Rs. 62 crores* and is a clear super-hit at the box office. It is now set to go past the Rs. 85 crores mark, though given the surprises that it has been throwing ever since its release, it can go anywhere.
Meanwhile, amongst all the new releases of the week, it’s PhoneBhoot, which is collecting the most. A spoof comedy, it has accumulated Rs. 7.85 crores so far, though there were all the chances for the film to cross Rs. 8.50 crores total, if not for the World Cup match between India and Zimbabwe. The film has the credentials and the merits to fetch better and though over the weekend it has at least fought it out, it would be interesting to see what kind of hold does it manage over the weekdays. Ideally, at least Rs. 6 crores more need to come before the close of week because that would set the stage for a lifetime of over Rs. 20 crores.
Meanwhile, both Mili and Double XL have stayed low, though former is better than the latter. The Janhvi Kapoor starrer has collected Rs. 1.50 crores in its opening weekend and has shown growth on a day-by-day basis, though it started on very low levels. As for Double XL, it’s a complete disaster with just Rs. 0.50 crores* coming over the weekend and eventually heading for a lifetime of under Rs. 1 crore.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
from Box Office Special Features - Bollywood Hungama
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